Vasari Lonssal's blog

Last year at university

This year is my last year, I'm coming back to classes next week after the holidays and I'm kind of anxious again. To be honest, I don't really want to come back, I don't have any close friends at uni and the classes started to feel obnoxious last year. I don't feel like I'm going anywhere. The other thing that makes me anxious it's finishing uni. I don't really know what I'm going to do. When I finish uni I'm going to lose all the contacts I've made inside. Most of the opportunities I had in my music career were given to me thanks to people I knew there.

Most of the people who finish the career go on to do a master degree abroad, but I don't really feel like it. Even though I would love to visit a lot of countries, I don't know if I could take another year, the last two just seemed so overwhelming. These months I have been thinking about what I want to do with my life as an adult and I just come to the conclusion that I just want a simple life. I would like to live outside of the city, in the woods, work from home and spend my days with my hobbies, composing, walking and programming.

The future is so uncertain. I just hope to keep improving and getting better.
